Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Race to Bed!

I understand I am probably a little partial here, but I have got to
say, this was one of the easiest murals I have done to date.  I was
a bit concerned when my son decided he wanted the racecar mural, not
only because of the black and white checks of the flags, but simply
because at 3, he is one of the most particular children I know! 
Now, he is also a HUGE fan of the Disney movie Cars so I wasn't entirely
sure this would fly.  To overcome my fear of the checkered flags, I
painted the white first, allowing myself to go over the lines. 
Once that was dry, I outlined the black and then filled in those
squares.  It really was quite easy!  The sparkles you see are
because he wanted it to "shine."  I was able to accomplish this
simply by adding a little acrylic paint that I had left over from last
Christmas that was clear with red glitter! And I have got to say, he
LOVES it!   It took me less than three hours to complete, and
that was with all three of my kids home interrupting me regularly. 
I hope you enjoy!





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